Are you trying to save for something special and can’t reach your goal? Whether you’re saving to purchase your first home, a new car or an investment property the team at LPFS can provide you with budget and planning tools to help assist you in reaching your savings goal faster.

Are you behind in payments?
Bad credit will slow you down! Before you can reach your goal, you’ll need to erase any late mobile phone payments, car payments, household bills or credit card debt. This will make your savings process easier and stop you from falling back into bad habits.

Track your spending
Knowing where you’re spending money will help you cut back on unnecessary purchases. Perhaps you can pack lunch each day rather than buying it? You’ll be surprise with the difference that can make.

Emergency funds
Life is full of surprises and the most unexpected surprises can hit your budget the hardest. To save yourself from falling behind on payments or dipping into your savings, consider setting up automatic regular withdrawals to a separate savings account. Having emergency funds will help you stay ahead!

Call us today and achieve your dream sooner.


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